Terms & Conditions for Courier Deliveries and Collections
For any equipment and/or instruments coming in or out of the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre ("SCSSC"), we require Agreement to the Terms & Conditions outlined in this document:
Own equipment welcome -- Program organisers and sponsors are welcome to bring their own equipment and instruments to their programs at the SCSSC.
Advanced notice -- In order to ensure smooth delivery of your items, SCSSC and Loading Dock staff require advanced notice of delivery and collection dates and times of any equipment coming to our facility. Delivery and Collection should be scheduled between 8 am and 2 pm, unless prior agreement confirmed via email has been agreed with a member of SCSSC.
Courier Delivery and Return Form – We need this form to be completed and returned no later than 5 business days prior to the start date of the event. Failure to provide this form may mean staff are not available to receive equipment, and creates undue stress on the Kolling Building Loading Dock.
Pre-Arranged Courier Collection – The return of equipment is to be pre-arranged prior to the event. It must occur the next business day after event close or the next business day after instrument sterilisation has been completed (if cadaveric tissue is involved). This includes providing all pre-prepared courier consignment notes with correct dimensions and weight. These must be signed (if required) by the Organiser or sponsor prior to them leaving SCSSC as neither the Loading Dock or SCSSC are responsible for the contents and the information provided.
No weekend deliveries or collections - Please note that the Loading Dock is not staffed for weekend courier deliveries or collections.
Clean-up at program end -- Organisers/sponsors are responsible for collecting, organising, cleaning and packing their own equipment and instruments at the end of the program so that items are ready to be couriered the next day. Please see SCSSC Terms of Service.
Liability for all equipment and instruments remains with Program Organiser / sponsor. SCSSC will offer all reasonable assistance and liaising between our loading dock if deliveries or collections are arranged between 8 am and 2 pm, but we are not responsible for loss of or damage to equipment and instruments.